Education Scholarship

Anchor of Hope Health Center clients may be eligible for an Education Scholarship provided by Blessed Trinity and St. John Evangelist Churches. Below are details on the Scholarship. If you would like more information or to be referred, please call 920-452-4673

Who is eligible?

Anchor of Hope Client (male or female) who are attending parenting classes through the HOPE (Helping Others through Parenting Education) program. Number of parenting classes determined on a case by case basis considering extenuating circumstances as it applies to either male or female clients.

How much is the scholarship?

Amount depends on coursework and need. Please be aware that submission of application does not guarantee approval of awarding the funds.

What type of eligible education?

Beauty school, journeyman, apprenticeships, online courses, LTC, UW-Sheboygan, UW Green Bay, GED, non-degree certification programs are all eligible. Some course work that leads to a degree/certificate is required.


-Attend parenting classes at Anchor of Hope a minimum of once a month
-Meet via Zoom/phone with 2 Church committee members to review application
-Check in with committee members twice (once at mid-semester and once at end of coursework)
-2.5 GPA recommended with exceptions to be made based on individual situations
-Applicants may reapply each semester up to 5 times

NOTE: All scholarship eligibility, awarding, monitoring, and discretionary issues are decided by the committee. 

Anchor of Hope is the fiscal agent responsible only for good stewardship and of safekeeping of funds per the guidelines and direction of the committee.