Since the Dobbs announcement on June 24, much has changed, yet much has stayed the same. Anchor of Hope had been strategically and hopefully planning for this announcement for months. By the time the ruling came down, we had already proactively installed three additional exterior cameras, covering every inch of the facility with live and recorded video footage.
Additional risk-mitigation strategies included a solid core of volunteers who spent several hours at the center watching and praying to protect the physical property from potential harm. About 20 different individuals gave up time to “watch and pray” over the Center from 7 pm to 7 am for several nights, when public threats were amassed against life-affirming organizations. Additionally, several conversations with the Sheboygan Police Department resulted in elevated watchfulness on their behalf assuring the safety of staff and property.
The outpouring of community support has been humbling and encouraging. Anchor of Hope continues to receive numerous calls from supporters asking questions about involvement in the pro-life movement and how to make a difference in our Post-Roe Wisconsin.
Client Affect
Our marketing team continues to battle with Google, Facebook and other big tech outlets combatting severe restrictions and censorship placed on pregnancy medical centers and other life-affirming organizations through the blocking of paid ads. Within a four-week period, over 1300 proposed ads were “disapproved” by Google. Below is a sample of the 175 notifications Anchor of Hope received for using words like “abortion information,” “abortion pill reversal,” “free sexual health services,” and many other search terms used by potential clients. Often, these potential clients are women in our community and experiencing difficult circumstances while seeking help, truth, and support.